Aluminium windows

Serramenti Alluminio Seimm

A light and stable product that offers great comfort performance in all its aspects. It is very ductile and allows the creation of the most varied compositions. It is also a completely recyclable material, therefore compatible with the need to respect the environment, being able to recycle it indefinitely.
It is fire resistant and if combined with special accessories it also offers excellent resistance to burglary.

Thanks to the high technological, design and construction content, these windows have many innovative aspects that translate into excellent performance in terms of thermal transmittance.
This series is able to satisfy the need for thermal and acoustic comfort even for the most rigid climatically areas and very noisy environments. Thanks to a careful study it is possible to offer all these performances in a window with small dimensions, thus avoiding weighing down an important piece of furniture in our home.

Estimates and information

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You will be contacted by qualified technicians for a non-binding evaluation.
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